četrtek, 20. marec 2008

Gerlitzen II

Here is part 2. from Gerlitzen. I played around again with panoramic and HDR function.

I went for a walk with my dad, where we found many birds. Because the sunset was closing in I was only able to capture some silhouettes of the birds.

We also wanted to go to "Minimundus" but unfortunately it was closed in that time of the year so instead we went to a reptile zoo. There were a lot of snakes, lizards and other exotic reptiles. Although the animals were behind glass and the light wasn't very good I still wanted to get a good close up shot at 300mm. My hand had to be really steady what was quite difficult to achieve because I had to use longer exposure time. Besides that I also lost quite a lot of photos due to a problem with my computer.

When we had come out of the reptile zoo I saw a lot of birds on the fence. Luckily they weren't afraid of people so this was the first time when I could take macro photos of birds.

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