ponedeljek, 28. januar 2008

Chasing deers 2.

I sure do miss those snowy days and chasing deers. I am posting some older photos taken about a month ago.
The first time I posted this kind of photos I was very dissatisfied with the results (sharpness), these are somewhat better now but still not quite what I had in mind. I'd be perfect if I was a couple of meters closer.

petek, 25. januar 2008

First experiment with HDR

I always wanted to do a HDR. What I did was, I took a photo in RAW mode and made five different photos from one with each having different exposure.
I know the photo is nothing special and you have probably seen a lot better HDRs than this one, but I think I did O.K. for my first try. Soon I will definitely take more HDR photos because I am starting to like them. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated!

sobota, 19. januar 2008

Going abstract

I have never taken photos of abstract smoke. What do you think about it? I created my own "home studio" where I took photos in total darkness. I put the camera on tripod and selected function blub in the meantime I used a hand-triggered flash from the side.

nedelja, 6. januar 2008

New Year fireworks

Yes I know am a little late - New Year was 5 days ago ;)
Well... I spent New Year's Eve on water, I was with my family on a bridge in Ptuj where I shot photos of firework.

It all started with some smaller fireworks.

But at about 12:30 am the real thing began, firework was organized by the town Ptuj. It was spectacular.

četrtek, 3. januar 2008

Razstava 5. obletnica Slo-Foto.net

Slovenski fotografski portal Slo-Foto.net (www.slo-foto.net), ki združuje že vec kot šest tisoc
fotografov ob svoji peti obletnici v cetrtek 17.1.2008 januarju 2008 pripravlja fotografsko
razstavo z naslovom 5. obletnica Slo-Foto.net.

Razstava bo zajemala najbolj opažene in ocenjene fotografije, ki so bile na portal poslane od
njegovega zacetka. Januarska razstava bo predstavila del skupnosti in obseg dela ter
poznanstva iz spleta prestavila v drugo, bolj osebno sfero.

Vabljeni na prijetno druženje v cetrtek 17.1.2008 ob 20. uri v prostorih KUD France

Odprtje razstave:

Cetrtek 17.1.2008 ob 20. uri
KUD France Prešeren Trnovo
Karunova 14 (zemljevid)
1000 Ljubljana
Razstava bo odprta do torka 5.2.2008