sobota, 27. oktober 2007

After the rain

After heavy rain, I decided to take some pictures of water drops. At first I tried on a thorn of a rose, but unfortunately it was windy and pictures were unclear because of longer exposing time. I almost gave it up, because of freezing cold. But when going back inside I saw some water drops on a clover and attacked with my Sigma 70-300mm and Raynox DCR-250 lens. Pictures are taken in RAW technology I only adjusted them a little in Photoshop.









4 komentarji:

Jure Dobelšek pravi ...

Super so...samo za njih bi dal še kakšen velik cvet z lepo in močno barvo, pa bi slike še bolj zaživele.

BoštjanS pravi ...

Hvala, ko sem slikal se tega nisem spomnil, vendar sem danes zjutraj spet nekaj kaplic poslikal, kjer sem upošteval tvoj nasvet, slike pridejo na blog v kratkem.

UrosG pravi ...

Fletne kapljice.

Maruša Bertoncelj pravi ...

Za moje skromne pojme so tele fotke 1A!!! Tud brez dodatnih rožic ;)