nedelja, 29. marec 2009

Football: Slovenija:Czech Republic

Yesterday almost a fairy tale was written. Slovenian national football team was hosting the favored Czech Republic for qualification on World Cup. They are marching towards another success in Slovenian football. They were playing in Ljudski vrt which was crammed with more than 12.000 spectator. The atmosphere was spectacular. Football supporters from all over Slovenia came to cheer for our stars.
Slovenia played better throughout the match and had quite a few chances but the luck just wasn't on their side that evening. They didn't score and neither did the Czech Republic so the match ended without goals with the score of 0:0.

Vip- (in front) Borut Pahor, Ivan Simič, Franc Kangler
(in back) Darko Milanič, Zlatko Zahovič, Miran Pavlin

Slovenian coach Matjaž Kek

Alenka Goter singing Sloenian national anthem

Slovenian national football team

Reserve players

Slovenian supporters

Chezch supporters

petek, 27. marec 2009


From Iztok Bončina's exhibition in Maribor.

ponedeljek, 23. marec 2009

Last year's bees

Here are few last years bees.

sobota, 21. marec 2009


I found few unpublished macro pictures I took last summer and are ready to be posted.
Photo made out of 3 stacked photos

sobota, 14. marec 2009

PRODAM SIGMO 70-300 F4-5.6 APO DG MACRO za Canon

Prodam omenjen Sigmin objektiv, več na:

Kupujem pa makro obročke za Canon, ni mi pomembno če ima AF

Info na:
031 297 692

petek, 13. marec 2009

Handball: Maribor - Ajdovščina

Maribor achieved its 16th victory.
At first it seemed it was going to be a tight game. But in the 45th minute Maribor increased the lead and at the end won by 37:27.

sreda, 11. marec 2009

New poll

Final pairs of semi-finals Slovenian handball cup are known.
Maribor is playing Koper and Celje is playing Velenje.
The tournament will be played in Koper on the 18th and 19th of April.

Fell free to vote for your favorite!

torek, 10. marec 2009

Vabilo na razstavo Iztoka Bončine

Vljudno Vas vabimo na otvoritev fotografske razstave



v četrtek, 12. marca 2009, ob 17. uri

v avloUniverzitetne knjižnice Maribor.

Na otvoritvi se nam bo pridružil tudi zbor Carmina Slovenica.

Zbor Carmina Slovenica
je junija in julija 2008
gostoval v petnajstih
največjih mestih
Japonske. Nastopi so se
odvijali v prestižnih
koncertnih dvoranah, ki
sprejmejo tudi več tisoč
obiskovalcev. Turnejo je s
fotoaparatom beležil
Iztok Bončina.

Iztok Bončina - svobodni fotograf in fotoreporter. Je predsednik Društva popotnih fotografov
in fotoreporterjev in urednik fotografije pri slovenski izdaji revije National Geographic
Popotnik. Že nekaj let organizira in vodi različne fotografske tečaje in delavnice po vsej
Sloveniji. V zadnjih letih objavlja popotne prispevke, fotografije in fotoreportaže v raznih
slovenskih in nekaterih tujih časopisih in revijah (Delo, Mladina, Gea, Ona, Svet in Ljudje,
Moj mikro, Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine, National Geographic Magazine, NG Junior,
NG Popotnik, New York Times …).

ponedeljek, 9. marec 2009

Football: Maribor vs. Nafta

Nafta took an early lead but Maribor soon came back with the equalizer (Tavares 10.) and took lead in the end of first half (Mezga 44.). Džinič just confirmed Maribor's domination and scored for 3:1 in the 60th minute.
There were 4500 spectators and Viole made a greath atmosphere.

Mayor Franc Kangler and the new president of NZS Ivan Simič